Thursday, June 28, 2012

Learning to see

Once I got the basic hang of my camera,  how to set exposure and composition I thought I was ready to shoot pictures. And so I did, a few shots that I had in my head of my favourite lake side, the Upvan lake.

But i dried up quickly and I realised that I really didn't know what to make photos of. So my immediate assignment was to learn to see. And I wanted exercises that would help me see.

Bryan Peterson's Learning to See Creatively is a great book - lucid and interestingly written. Here's his blog.
Also has a series of podcasts - Master Class Live  which is another great approach to opening up your vision as a photographer.

Here are some blogs that I have read and bookmarked, hope they help you:

Since a photograph is basically two-dimensional art the design principles must apply. Hence I ordered Betty Edwards workbook so I am going to dabble in drawing till I learn to 'see'. Hmmm... let's see I may just post a pair of before/after drawings if and only if they don't embarass me too much!

Friday, June 22, 2012

First shots

Here are a couple of photos that I took a few days after I got my camera. I love light. I specially love the lights of the night. I have tweaked the second photo in Photoshop using something close to the HDR technique - stacking 3 layers of photos taken with different exposures (20, 25 and 30 seconds).

Log of my journey in learning photography

I am starting this log for the selfish purpose of tracking my progress in learning photography. But as I write this I guess that there are many out there who are starting out like I am and I'd be delighted if my experience could help them in any way. I intend to post as regularly as I can, with my photos and thoughts.

So far I have bought some equipment to start me off - a Nikon DSLR camera that came with a 18-105mm kit lens, a 50mm standard lens, a second hand tripod (rather heavy :-( ), ball head and UV filters for each lens (for dust and fingerprint protection).

First lessons:
I ran through plenty of videos on YouTube to get a hang of stuff like Focusing, principles of exposure, even how to change lenses on your camera! I admit I have not done full justice and kinda have skimmed through most but that's my style of learning. I skim first and dig deeper later. Here's also my chance to say a big thanks to all those who have taken so much effort to share their knowledge and experience on YT, Blogs etc..

Listing a few of my favourites:

So much for my first post of what I hope will be a faithful series...